InspirASIAN Dragons

InspirASIAN Dragons
Team Picture 2022

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Our Remaining Practices - Only 3 Left!

Saturday 7/09/11           10:30am – 1:00pm         Boat# 6  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 7/16/11           12:30pm – 2:30pm         Boat# 6  on the water   1:00pm -  2:00pm
Saturday 7/23/11           10:30am – 1:30pm         Boat# 7  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Your homework - TOTAL BODY

Your homework for this week is TOTAL BODY.
You can choose one from below AND then post your achievement on the blog comment or Facebook.
This will all count toward the Participation Award.

Bronze Level - 10 jumping jacks + 10 push-ups (modified push-ups) + 10 crunches + 10 squats OR 10 burpees (modified burpees)
Silver Level - 20 jumping jacks + 20 push-ups (modified push-ups) + 20 crunches + 20 squats OR 20 burpees (modified burpees)
Gold Level - 30 jumping jacks + 30 push-ups (modified push-ups) + 30 crunches + 30 squats OR 30 burpees (modified burpees)

There are about 6 folks who are in the lead so keep up the good work.

Post and brag to your team mates on Facebook for APCA Dragons or Facebook APCA Dragons Group Site or better yet since not everyone has Facebook, do it at APCA Dragons blog site

If you are posting comment on the blog as Anonymous then add you name on the comment.

Race Day + Next Practice 7/9

We only have 3 practices left and time to get serious and sync-up.
I am in the process of making the roster for the race day so I'll be sending out EVITES for the 2 race days to finalize so please respond promptly.

Our next practice is on 7/9/11 10:30am so EVITE will be coming soon.
For those who did not turn in your waiver form, you can save time by filling out the form before the practice.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Our tentative lineup for our practice tomorrow 6/25/11

Our tentative lineup for our practice tomorrow 6/25/11.
1Niccole SpringsChristie Kim
2Robert CorderoAshley Cruse
3Brian FujitaEmilio Viscomi
4Chelsea GarrettMonica Garibay
5Andy ParkSteven Tait
6John BrennerMarco van Akkeren
7Tom VillanuevaMichael Singleton
8Georgia ZacharyRichard Feijoo
9Minwei WuBarbara Burke
10Zina HwangThomas Yoo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Home Work 3 Assignement

Home work for this week is to work on our SYNC.
I love LINKIN PARK song BLEED IT OUT and it matches with our race pace.
Lyric also says DIGGING DEEPER which sounds like Dragon Boat to me.

So...Home work this week is to do SHADOW PADDLING to LINKIN PARK song BLEED IT OUT.
You are going to paddle in the air but with the twist, set, catch, pull, recover while matching the beat to this song.
Official song is 2 minutes 44 seconds so it's about 500 meters time so shouldn't be a problem without the water resistance.
I just did this on both sides and I'm sweating.

Official Linkin Park video

Lyrics video

Here's the video that approximately matches this rate.

You can also use MUSE song UPRISING which has little slower beat so this may be a better race pace.
I like this song because I like the chorus WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS.
Of course this song is little longer at 4 minutes and 32 seconds on the official video.

Official MUSE video

Here's the video that approximately matches this rate.

Now sit on a chair and position yourself then click this link and paddle.  Of course you will have to post that you have done this on either at our blog or facebook.

Practice 4 Schedule

Our fourth practice is THIS weekend 6/25/11 and our schedule is below.
Please respond via Evite or Email if you are attending since I need to make the roster.

Here's our schedule for this week.
  9:30am to 10:30am - Fit Fusion workout session by Robert Cordero - RSVP needed
12:30pm to 12:45pm - Warm-Up
12:45pm to   1:00pm - Gear on and line up at boat #6
  1:00pm to   2:00pm - On the water
  2:00pm to   2:25pm - Wash PFDs, wash paddles, bring up the boat and clean
  2:25pm to   2:45pm - Stretch & Closing

  2:45pm to ? - K.C. Branaghan's Irish Pub & Restaurant.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Home Work 2 Participants


Remaining Practice Times

Saturday 6/25/11           12:30pm – 2:30pm         Boat# 6  on the water   1:00pm -  2:00pm
Saturday 7/09/11           10:30pm – 1:00pm         Boat# 6  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 7/16/11           12:00pm – 2:30pm         Boat# 6  on the water   1:00pm -  2:00pm
Saturday 7/23/11           10:30pm – 1:30pm         Boat# 7  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm

Our practice 4 of 7 is on Saturday 6/25/2011

Hello Team!
Our practice 4 of 7 is on Saturday 6/25/2011.

Be aware that this is 1 of 2 late practice times.
We'll start the warm-up at 12:30pm.

Please arrive early since we only have 1 hour on the boat.

I hope everyone enjoyed the practice and after practice gathering.
See you there!

Space Dragon/Ripple Effects Race Video

Thursday, June 16, 2011

APCA Dragons Practice 6/18/11

Our third practice is THIS weekend 6/18/11 and our schedule is below.
Please respond via Evite or Email if you are attending since I need to make the roster.
If you have not turned in your waiver form then be sure to bring it with you.

Only 4 people did their homework so far this week and 1 of the 4 who completed the homework is leading now.

Also as promised, one of the race video that I'm on (bench 6) which this is about the race pace we'll be doing.

Here's our schedule for this week.
  9:30am to 10:30am - Fit Fusion workout session by Robert Cordero - RSVP needed
10:30am to 10:45am - Warm-Up
10:45am to 11:00am - Gear on and line up
11:00am to 12:30pm - On the water
12:30pm to 12:45pm - Wash PFDs, wash paddles, bring up the boat and clean
12:45pm to 1:00pm - Closing

1:00pm to ? - K.C. Branaghan's Irish Pub & Restaurant.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Home Work 2

Your homework for this week is CARDIO.
You can choose one from below AND then post your achievement on the blog comment or Facebook.
This will all count toward the Participation Award.

Bronze Level - Run for 3 minutes at 5 miles/hour OR Run in place with high knee for 1 minute
Silver Level - Run for 3 minutes at 6 miles/hour OR Run in place with high knee for 2 minutes
Gold Level - Run for 3 minutes at 7 miles/hour OR Run in place with high knee for 3 minutes
Pearl Level - Jogging for 30 minutes OR Play one-on-one basketball for 30 minutes

Monday, June 13, 2011

Remaining Practice Times

Saturday 6/18/11           10:30am – 1:00pm         Boat#9  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 6/25/11           12:30pm – 2:30pm         Boat#6  on the water   1:00pm -  2:00pm
Saturday 7/09/11           10:30pm – 1:00pm         Boat#6  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 7/16/11           12:00pm – 2:30pm         Boat#6  on the water   1:00pm -  2:00pm
Saturday 7/23/11           10:30pm – 1:30pm         Boat#7  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm

We also enjoyed our after practice gathering at KC Branighan's

Andy, Thomas, Brian ...Cheers!

Mina & John

Nikki, Chesea, Lindsay

Lindsay, Cecil, Zina, Mina

Ashley & Nikki

We had great second practice with guest coach Steve from Killer Guppies.

Are we in sync? 

Let's do the goofy dance

looks like a strong team

everyone's top arm should be up.  I like the form on row 8.

Romeo should have followed us on the kayak

Friday, June 10, 2011

APCA Dragons Practice 6/11/11

Our second practice is THIS weekend 6/11/11 and our schedule is going to be just like last week.
If you were here for our first practice and turned in your waiver form then you may arrive by 10:30am for our warm-up.
For those coming up 405 north should be aware that 7th street exit 23 is closed for construction so exit at Seal Beach boulevard, make a left then make a right on Westminster which will turn in to 2nd street, go past PCH and ramp down to Appian Way.

10:00am to 10:15am - Roll call and collect waiver form (It will be most helpful if you fill it out the night before)
10:15am to 10:30am - Go over Dragon Boat basic
10:30am to 10:45am - Warm-Up
10:45am to 11:00am - Gear on and line up
11:00am to 12:30pm - On the water
12:30pm to 12:45pm - Wash PFDs and paddles
12:45pm to 1:00pm - Closing

1:00pm to ? - K.C. Branaghan's Irish Pub & Restaurant.

Some of you will be confused with many DB group at the park so I will hang our APCA banner.
We'll be near the grass area by the meter parking lot.

Read what to bring and where to park below.

I also put all this info on our blog site also at or you can friend APCA Dragons on facebook and/or join group APCA Dragons Dragon Boat Team

Thank you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Remaining Practice Times

Saturday 6/11/11           10:00am – 1:00pm         Boat#6  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 6/18/11           10:30am – 1:00pm         Boat#9  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 6/25/11           12:30pm – 2:30pm         Boat#6  on the water   1:00pm -   2:00pm
Saturday 7/09/11           10:30pm – 1:00pm         Boat#6  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday 7/16/11           12:00pm – 2:30pm         Boat#6  on the water   1:00pm -   2:00pm
Saturday 7/23/11           10:30pm – 1:30pm         Boat#7  on the water 11:00am - 12:30pm

Great Practice

It was a great turn out on Saturday and had great practice as well.
I hope everyone enjoyed the practice and the after practice gathering as well.

I posted some pictures on Facebook group page and here.

Is everyone feeling "good" today?
Feel free to comment here.

We will be sending out another Evite for our next practice on 6/11/11.
New paddlers should come at 10:00am to turn in your waiver form and to lean the dragon boat basics.
Experienced paddlers can come at 10:20am to start our warm-up.

Your homework for this week is to comment about anything here.

This will all count toward the Participation Award.

Thank you all and see you at the water.

Get ready for second practice on 6/11/11 10:00am

We had a great first practice and hope everyone enjoyed the practice and after practice gathering.

For those who missed the first practice, please come on time to go over the basics.
We'll have another gathering after our practice at around 1:00pm. Please join us if you can.

See you there!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

APCA Dragons Practice 6/4/11

Hello Team,

Our first practice is THIS weekend 6/4/11 and our schedule is going to go something like this.

10:00am to 10:15am - Roll call and collect waiver form (It will be most helpful if you fill it out the night before)
10:15am to 10:30am - Go over Dragon Boat basic
10:30am to 10:45am - Warm-Up
10:45am to 11:00am - Gear on and line up
11:00am to 12:30pm - On the water
12:30pm to 12:45pm - Wash PFDs and paddles
12:45pm to 1:00pm - Closing

1:00pm to ? - K.C. Branaghan's Irish Pub & Restaurant.
Some of you will be confused with many DB group at the park so I will hang our APCA banner as you can see on the attached photo.

Read what to bring and where to park on May post.

I also put all this info on our blog site also at or you can friend APCA Dragons on facebook and/or join group APCA Dragons Dragon Boat Team

Thank you.