InspirASIAN Dragons

InspirASIAN Dragons
Team Picture 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

AT&T InspirASIAN Dragons Practice 5 of 7

 Hello Team,

Thank you for those who attended our fourth practice.

For the fourth practice, we did some strength training. We will start to practice some starts for our 5th practice.

If you are new to paddling and have not attended first 2 sessions then you will need to come out early to go over the basics before going on the water so please let me know.

Please bring the signed waiver to YOUR first practice.

Schedule for July 9, 2022:

9:20am – 9:40am – Sign-in

9:40am – 9:50am – Warm-up

9:50am – 10:00am – Get ready and board the boat

10:00am – 10:55am – Practice on the boat

10:55am – 11:30am – Clean the boat and cool-down

11:30am – 11:45am - Depart or Team Lunch

Please contact me if you have any questions and look for latest info in our blog, Facebook: APCA Dragons and on Twitter: APCA_Dragons.

Thomas Yoo


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

AT&T InspirASIAN Dragons Practice 4 of 7

 Hello Team,


Thank you for those who attended the third practice.

We are getting serious now. For the third practice, we did some endurance training. We will do some strength training for our 4th practice.


If you are new to paddling and have not attended first 2 sessions then you will need to come out early to go over the basics before going on the water so please let me know.


Please bring the signed waiver to YOUR first practice.


Schedule for June 25, 2022:

9:20am – 9:40am – Sign-in

9:40am – 9:50am – Warm-up

9:50am – 10:00am – Get ready and board the boat

10:00am – 10:55am – Practice on the boat

10:55am – 11:30am – Clean the boat and cool-down

11:30am – 11:40am - Depart or Team Lunch


Please contact me if you have any questions and look for latest info in our blog, Facebook: APCA Dragons and on Twitter: APCA_Dragons.


Thomas Yoo


Monday, June 6, 2022

InspirASIAN Dragons - First Practice: DONE

Hello Team,


Thank you for those who attended the first practice of the season. It was good to be back on the water.

Those who attended the first practice may be feeling the soreness right about now or earlier.

I have advised at the practice that there will be attendance/participation award which you will earn point for each attendance and home work completed.

So, those who attended the first practice is already 1 point ahead.

Those who missed our practice can make it up by attending any year-round team’s practice to make up that point. You will be able to make up maximum of 2 points.

Here’s our practice date and times.


Practice Times:

6/04/2022          9:00am-11:45am (beginners should attend to learn basic paddling technique on the beach)

6/11/2022          9:00am-11:45am (beginners should attend to learn basic paddling technique on the beach)

6/18/2022          9:30am-11:45am

6/25/2022          9:30am-11:45am

7/09/2022          9:30am-11:45am

7/16/2022          9:30am-11:45am

7/23/2022          9:30am-12:30pm (go over race logistics)


Schedule for June 11:

9:00am – 9:30am – Sign-in & go over basic paddling technique for beginners

9:30am – 9:45am – Warm-up

9:45am – 10:00am – Get ready and board the boat

10:00am – 10:55am – Practice on the boat

10:55am – 11:30am – Clean the boat and cool-down

11:30am – 11:45am - Depart



Another way to get the point is the home work so here’s your first home work.





First home work is easy peasey.

You all learned the proper way to paddle now. Top arm by your head, bottom arm straight, twist to face your partner, etc...


Here's the video reminder on how to paddle dragon boat. 


This video shows slight bent on the top arm, but I would say more bent is more comfortable for most of the people, but you can do it whichever is feels comfortable.



Now, practice that form to the tune of Queen – We Will Rock You.



This song has slow beat and it’s about 2 minutes.

Every clap should be hitting the water.

It is slow enough to really twist and stretch out.


Practice your form for the entire song for both left and right side for total of 4 minutes.

Please let me know via Email, Facebook, or comment on our blog before our next practice on June 11.





Thank you.



Thomas Yoo

InspirASIAN Dragons Captain & Coach

Mobile: 949-874-8088

Office: 714-247-0583



Southern California Chapter Board