InspirASIAN Dragons

InspirASIAN Dragons
Team Picture 2022

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

AT&T APCA Dragons 2016 Home Work #1

Hello Team,

Here's your chance to earn more points by doing some homework. (up to 2 points)
Be sure to warm up before exercising.
Challenge yourself!  ;-)


We'll have 2 part home work for this week since you have 2 weeks to do it.  Each part will be one point each.

Part 1: Cardio

Can you run/jog for 3 minutes?

Bronze: 4 mph
Silver: 5 mph
Gold: 6 mph
Platinum: 7 mph
Anything equivalent is also fine.

Part 2: General Fitness

You do not have to do all at one time but recommended.
Levels are there to motivate you. You know your body the best. Pick the one that will challenge your body.
Let’s do…Push-Up, Sit-Up, Squat, and Jumping Jacks (Ex: Bronze Level will be 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80 total)

Bronze Level: 20 each
Silver Level: 30 each
Gold Level: 40 each
Platinum Level: 50 each

You can substitute the above exercises with set of Burpees then you do not have to do 4 separate exercises. (Ex: Bronze Level will be 20 Burpees)  Anything equivalent is also fine.

After you complete one of the levels then you can either send me an email, post to our blog at or post to APCA Dragons Facebook by 7/8 Friday 6pm PT.

If you are receiving this email but should not or do not want to continue receiving then let me know.

Thank you.

Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583
Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter

AT&T APCA Dragons Info Gathering

Hello Team,

I'm resending my request since I didn't include info on different type of team jersey.
Thanks for those who already responded so respond if you would like to change shirt order to tank.

Thank you in advance for your quick responses.

p.s. Be sure to respond to EVITE by this weekend also.

AT&T APCA Dragons Info Gathering!!!
1. Are you going to be attending both race days 7/30-7/31?
2. Do you have a preferential side?
3. What is your weight?
4. We'll be ordering T-Shirt (Around $25) It will fit like regular T-Shirt.
(For example... I would be ordering Medium if loose fit shirt, I would order Large if it was fitted shirt)
Men's Specs:

Chest Width41434649525558

Chest Width323436384042
Some people were asking about muscle tanks like these.
Women's (Limited supplies)
What is your T-Shirt Size?  Please specify T-Shirt or Tanks and you can order multiple if you would like.

5. We'll be ordering wooden paddles (Around $45), Would you like to order a paddle?
6. We need extra chairs, ice chest, canopy, tables, and wagon. Can you bring any of those? If so what?
7. Do you have any special request for me?
Please send me the response by this weekend.

Thank you.
Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583
Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

AT&T APCA Dragons Practice 5 of 7

Hello Team,

Thank you for those who attended the fourth session and we are more than half done.
Race is getting closer so we will work on some more timing and may be short race during this practice.
PLEASE respond to this EVITE or email me with your attendance so I can make the seating chart.
I sent separate email for weight and other info so please reply this week.

We are also missing some waivers. This is very important so please bring signed copy.

There is online waiver form option also. Click on the link to complete SCDBC Waiver and follow the instruction.
Let me know when done so I can check if completed.

Schedule for 7/9/16

10:00-10:30am - Check in
10:30-10:45am - Set up line up for boat & Warm Up
10:45-10:55am - Gear up and line up at the beach
11:00-11:55am - On the water practice
11:55-12:15pm - Bring up boat and clean
12:15-12:30pm - Cool down stretch
12:30-12:40pm – Debriefing
1:00-3:00pm? - Team bonding time at K.C. Branaghan’s Irish Pub & Restaurant at 5734 E 2nd St, Long Beach, CA 90803

Please contact me if you have any questions and look for latest info in our blog, Facebook: APCA Dragons and on Twitter: APCA_Dragons.

Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583

Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter Board
APCA Dragons Captain & Coach

2016 APCA Dragons - Info Request

Hello Team,

We are past the half way mark for our practices.
I need the following information from all of you.

1. Your confirmation to participate days of racing on 7/26 and 7/27
2. Your weight
3. Your side preference
4. Your Uniform T-Shirt size (It's fitted shirt and not loose shirt, Price will be around $20)
5. If you can help out with race day set-up and/or before race day shopping
6. Can you bring extra chairs, table, quick shade, ice chest for the race? If yes, what item?
7. Do you approve team names APCA AT&T - It Can Wait & APCA Flaming Dragons?
8. Optional: If you would like to order your very own wooden paddle then you can order it here (around $45)

Please respond quickly as possible.
After this email, I will be removing the name of those who did not come to one practice to clean up my team list.

Thank you.

Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583
Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter

Thursday, June 23, 2016

AT&T APCA Dragons Practice 4 of 7

Hello Team,

Thank you for those who attended the third session.
We are coming well together as a team and we learned about timing.
We also had first extra credit opportunity to KC Branaghan’s.

4th session will be more timing and endurance training.

If you are new to paddling and have not attended first 3 sessions then this is the last session that you can start since I require at least 4 practices out of 7.  You will need to come out early to go over the basics before going on the water so please let me know.

Please bring the signed waiver to YOUR first practice.
We are also missing some waivers. This is very important so please bring signed copy.

Schedule for 6/25/16
10:00-10:30am - Check in
10:30-10:50am - Set up line up for boat & Warm Up
10:50-11:00am - Gear up and line up at the beach
11:00-11:55am - On the water practice
11:55-12:15pm - Bring up boat and clean
12:15-12:30pm - Cool down stretch
12:30-12:40pm – Debriefing
12:40-1:10pm – Extra Credit - BEACH CLEAN UP & March of Dimes Fundraiser

Join our Dragon Boat team and the APCA Ohana for APCA’s COMMUNITY EVENT DAY

Bring your sunscreen, hat, sunglasses and slippas for our  Beach Clean Up at 12:30pm, Mother’s Beach, 5839 Appian Way, Long Beach (clean up supplies are provided and water) then don’t forget to bring some $$ for our final March of Dimes Fundraising with prizes, great food & drink at KC Branaghan’s Irish Pub and Restaurant, 5734 E. 2nd St., Long Beach

All Beach Clean Up Participants will receive a drawing ticket for prizes, additional tickets will be available for $5 each or 5 for $20.  All proceeds will go to March of Dimes.

Come join the fun & networking at Mother’s Beach & KC’s!  Everyone is welcomed to participate, bring family & friends.


1:20-3:00pm? - Team bonding time at K.C. Branaghan’s Irish Pub & Restaurant at 5734 E 2nd St, Long Beach, CA 90803

Please contact me if you have any questions and look for latest info in our blog, Facebook: APCA Dragons and on Twitter: APCA_Dragons.

Thomas Yoo