InspirASIAN Dragons

InspirASIAN Dragons
Team Picture 2022

Monday, August 5, 2013

APCA Dragons - Lake Gregory

Hello Team,

It's a no go for APCA Dragons for Lake Gregory.
Only 5 people were interested on Saturday and 4 on Sunday.

Bridget Weatherman   y
Jennifer Dague y y
Joy Cruz y y
Nancy Chung y  
Roger Duong y  
Thawatchai Chusivaratn y y

If you would still like to participate on Sunday then you can sign-up to go up with Space Dragons.
Remember! This is fun tournament so you do not have to worry about your skill level.

Let me know by Tuesday if you want to sign-up and I'll send the info.
I believe fee for last year was around $25-$35.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

End of Great Season 2013

I want to thank all the volunteers (Niccole Springs, Shirley Sanz, Gay Sakamoto, Mina Kim, Zina Hwang, Robert Cordero, Allan Nguyen, Curtis Guinn, Robert Clark, Michiko Sanrindo, Joanna Chen, Nathan Lau, and AJ Chen) and all the APCA Dragons team members who pitched in to help with setting-up and cleaning-up.

We had the most participation to date. (60 paddlers = 3 boats)
I believe this is the first time we medaled in Corporate division.

Here's the write up by one of our team member Joy Cruz.

What an unforgettable weekend. As expected the Long Beach Dragonboat tournament attracted some fierce competition. No worry. ATT APCA was up for the challenge with a fleet of not two but three boats this season. Platinum boat with a team of all rookies diverse, prepared, and eager to compete. Titanium boat with a mix of strong rookies and experienced veterans. And the mighty corporate "It can wait" boat comprised of all ATT employees. Titanium fought hard and competed all weekend. Platinum fought hard as well, who in their division, missed a 3d place finish in the Championship heat by a mere .3 seconds. "It Can Wait" battled in their heats as well improving elapsed time with every heat until the time had arrived for the final race. "It can wait", despite an injury to one of its paddlers during the race, managed a 3d place finish earning a Bronze medal for APCA! To sum it up we competed, we contended, we danced , we cried, we laughed , we supported one other, we encouraged, we cheered , we celebrated ,and we gave it our all as ONE TEAM! Go APCA! Honorable mention and a big "thank you" to our fearless leader Thomas Yoo.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival Results

Hello Team,

It was an exciting race this weekend.

Our Corporate team pulled up Bronze medal even with person getting hurt on board.
What an accomplishment, so congratulations!

We were also featured in Press Telegram. (picture 7)

We also have cheering section featured as well. (picture 6)

Our Platinum team, comprised of all brand new paddlers, while fought hard came in 4th place just 0.3 seconds behind the 3rd place in their division.

Our Titanium team came in 5th place in their division missing the medal by just 5 seconds.

Here's the link to the result: 

What we have to remember is that we put in 100% and we did not leave anything out there in the water (NO REGRETS!), so be proud that you have just competed world class race with team that does this year round.

Thank you all for another exciting season.


Thomas Yoo

P.S. I will send out another email about Lake Gregory Race

Friday, July 26, 2013

Message From Coach Zina

It's almost game day APCA! Just one more day and then we'll be at Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival!

I wanted to take a minute to give you some food for thought, a little pep talk to prepare you for the races--

We've mentioned this before, and here it is again. You will be challenged during each race. Two to three minutes do not seem like a lot of time while you're driving in the car or watching TV, but instead it can seem like a lot time for these races.
The best way to race is to put your heart into each race. Stick with it. Keep pushing through. If you think you've hit a wall, trust your training, keep breathing, stick with it, and you will get through that finish line!

And remember that at the end of the day, we're all here to have fun at the beach. Looking forward to a good one y'all! 
 From Coach Zina

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7/20 Last Practice Logistics & Left/Right side for Race & Race Team

Hello Team,

We many not be able to get all boats out at the same time so be prepared to stay later.
If we can't get 3rd boat at 1-2pm slot then 3rd boat will be on 2-3 slot.

Also, if you have a preference to sit on right or left then please let me know.
Respond by RIGHT, LEFT, or BOTH.

This is tentative team for the race.

Armando Rivera
Ace Anthony Porras
Brandon Weldon
Bridget Weatherman
Chris Hardy
Connie Beadle
James Bush
Jeff Ford
Jennifer Dague
John Brenner
Joy Cruz
Laura Allen
Lorraine Buratti
Martin Meza
Niccole Springs
Rebecca Andrews
Robert Lopez
Roger Duong
Thawatchai Chusivaratn
Ye Young Ku

Ashleigh Din Thong
Ashley Cruse
Brian Fujita
Danielle Carnicom
Fritz Gutierrez
Jacquelene Malcolm
Joe Santos**
Joemil Reguindin
John Vasquez
Julie Chang
Kasandra Jones 
Kimberli Heim
Klansi Mack
Lindsay Springs
Michael Singleton
Michele Delores Dennis
Nancy Chung
Robert Cordero
Romeo Ponteres
Thiep Tran

Anne Sue
Austin Ngo
Bernard Barber
Brent Smith***
Christopher Huab
Darlene Young
Denise Ferber
Derrick Dennis
Eduardo Huab
Jessica Banuelos**
Josephine Santos**
Kacey Young
Lili Huab
Michelle Servin
Quoc Nguyen
Ryan Duong
Sam Bobo
Shae Webster
Thomas Chang
Wilson Ton

*Corporate Only
**Saturday Only
***Sunday Only

Thank you.
Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583

Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter

APCA Dragons After Party

Niccole offered to open up her home to us for APCA Dragons after party BBQ. Yummmm, I'm looking forward to that Carne Asada.  Start time is estimated at 5pm since we'll be heading out there after we have cleaned up our tent area.

Please respond by 7/24/13 on EVITE if you can join us so she know how much food to prepare.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Last Homework of the Season - Borrowed from Space Dragons' Hell Week menu

Hello Team,

I'm going to borrow this week’s homework from Space Dragons' Hell Week menu at
Starting 2 weeks before the tournament, Space Dragons recommends entire week of exercises for the team.
They have specific exercise for Monday through Friday.

However, our homework is just to pick one of the days and do it before 7/19/13 Friday 6pm.
Pick an exercise (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday) and do Bronze, Silver, Gold level and let me know by 7/19/13 6pm.

This will be counted toward your Participation Award.

If you want to challenge yourself then you can do the entire week but not required.

Let's do this!
Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583

Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter

Hell Week - Big Long Beach edition!

HELL WEEK. Oh yea! Big Long Beach, our Home Tournament, is only 2 weeks away.... let's do it again!
Everyone's going to Big Long Beach, so git 'er dunnn!  Always remember to stretch and do some cardio for warm up! 
Bronze: Leg Circuit (see below)
Silver: add Ab Circuit (see below)
Gold: add mountain climbers (3 sets, 45 seconds each set)
Bronze: Ab Circuit (see below)
Silver: add Robert’s Twisting Plank -Lay your forearms on the ground and plant your toes. Hold your body up in a strong, straight line, twist your upper body, bringing your free arm under your body, with rotation! (35 seconds each side; 3 sets)
Gold: add Leg Circuit (see below)
Space Murph:
1. Run (“Run1”)
2. Crunchy Frogs (“CF”)
3. Squat Jumps (“SJ”)
4. Scissor Lunges (“SL”)
5. Burpees (“Bp”)
6. Push-ups (“PU”)
7. Side plank w/ leg lift (“SP”)
8. Run (“Run2”)
Run1: 0.25 miles | CF:  50 | SJ: 50 | SL: 25 | Bp: 25 | PU: 50 | SP: 50 | Run2: 0.25 miles
Run1: 0.25 miles | CF:  100 | SJ: 100 | SL: 50 | Bp: 50 | PU: 100 | SP: 100 | Run2: 0.25 miles
Run1: 0.50 miles | CF:  150 | SJ: 150 | SL: 100 | Bp: 75 | PU: 125 | SP: 100 | Run2: 0.50 miles
Rules: Do Run1 at the beginning, Run2 at the end.  All exercises in between can be split up however you wish in whatever order you wish, as long as at the end you completed the numbers listed above.  Any exercise that is one-sided (i.e., side planks) means you need to do the amount listed for each side.  For example, if you are doing bronze, you need to do 50 side planks w/ leg lifts on your right side, and 50 side planks w/ leg lifts on your left side.  You can split the side planks up so you do 10 planks, the move on to 20 burpees, and then come back to finish the rest of the planks later.
Bronze: Ab Circuit (see below)
Silver: add Leg Circuit (see below)
Gold: add tabata alligator push-ups (

1. Wall Sits (maximum duration)
2. Star Jumps
3. Tuck Jumps
4. One legged rotational squat:
Do wall sits before every other setEach exercise for 30 seconds is one set. For one legged rotational squat and the three-point lunge, do 30 seconds for each leg.
Do five sets.
1. Bicycle Crunches
2. V-Ups
3. Mason Twists
4. Side Plank
5. Dead Bugs
Each exercise for 35 seconds is one set.  Side planks are 35 seconds for each side.
Do five sets.
Any questions? Don’t know how to do an exercise? Ask me.

From Space Dragons Link

7/20/13 Logistics

Here's the basic logistics of the final practice on 7/20/13.

11:00am-11:30am - Arrive

11:30am-12:15pm - Land Workout
12:30-12:45pm - Warm up
12:45-01:00pm -
Gear up and line up
01:00-02:00pm - On the water race practice
02:00-02:15pm - Bring up boat and clean
02:15-02:30pm - Cool down stretch
02:30-03:30pm - Race Info session

Final practice before the race

Hello Team,

Our last practice before our race is this Saturday 7/20/13 12:30-3:30pm.

We will have important meeting afterward so please attend this session.

PLEASE come early and check-in so that we can be on the water as soon as possible.  We’ll also have land workout class before paddling so sign up on separate land workout EVITE.

I need positive response if you will be attending or not since I’ll be using it to create racing boat roster.

Please contact me if you have any questions and look for latest info in our blog,  Facebook: APCA Dragons and on Twitter: APCA_Dragons.

Home Work also will be posted on our blog and sent via email.

Thank you.

Thomas Yoo

Friday, July 12, 2013

Message from Coach Zina

Paddlers, are you ready? 
I'm really looking forward to get back to APCA practice this weekend! :) 
I know that you guys have been putting in the extra time and effort since I've last seen you two weeks ago-- can't wait to see the results!

I just wanted to take this moment to give you all a little motivation for this Saturday. “The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.”
We've only got two more practices left until gameday. Let's make the most of it!
See you soon