InspirASIAN Dragons

InspirASIAN Dragons
Team Picture 2022

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Congratulations Team!

Congratulations APCA Dragon Boat Team!

It was a memorable weekend with all the racing, comraderies, weather, and medals.
After all of our hard work, we were able to compete with other teams with great results.
With that, 2015 will be considered breakout year for APCA Dragons winning 2 Silver and 1 Bronze medals.

We would not have successful tournament without the help of the entire team.

Thank you Niccole for supporting me with all the captain things (there are many things behind the scene) and especially for after party. It was a blast!

Thank you to Connie for organizing everything during the practice and race. She kept track of all the people and their volunteer hours. She also kept our PFDs smelling fresh.

Thank you to Zina who really wanted to see APCA succeed and putting her heart into coaching the team to victory.

Thank you to all of our support team, Shirley for organizing the lunch for the team, watching our tent and keeping our area organized, Gay with her famous salad and helping out with the lunch and snacks.  Mina for helping with delivery along with her husband.

Thank you to all the team members that volunteered to bring ice, canopy, tables, chairs, pasta and Coffee/Tea for the team, Allan, Andy, Angela, Anne, Connie, Jennifer, Joy, Lindsay, Nancy, Niccole, Rick, Robin, and I hope I got everyone but if I don’t. Thank you.

Thank you to entire team who participated since we would not be a successful team without each other supporting one another and pushing to do better for the team.

As we close the 2015 APCA Dragons season, I would like to invite those who wants to continue paddling to join my year round team Space Dragons for more paddling and possibly joining us in Treasure Island for 20th anniversary of San Francisco Dragon Boat Festival September 19-20.

Thank you all and keep up your fitness level for next year where we will reach for the GOLD!

Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Something to think about for the race day

Hello Team,

I love this commencement speech. I think what he is describing is everything in life is more mental then physical.
He also talks about boat crew around 6:20 and mentions paddling that everyone has to dig in.
I think this applies to dragon boating also.

Thank you.

Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team

Monday, July 13, 2015

Hello Team,

Niccole have graciously offered to open up her home to us for APCA Dragons after party. Yummmm, I'm looking forward to that Carne Asada.  Start time is estimated since we'll be heading out there after we have cleaned up our tent area.

Please respond by 7/15/15 If you can join us so she know how much food to prepare.
Please contact Niccole or me if you have any questions.

P.S. No, we will not have bouncy castle =p

Thank you.

Thomas Yoo

Thursday, July 9, 2015

AT&T APCA Dragons Info for our Last Practice & Race

Hello Team,

Please be sure to come early.

Andy Park LEFT 1 Lindsay Springs RIGHT
Rebecca Andrews LEFT 1 Niccole Springs BOTH
Leeann Sands LEFT 2 Justin Kleber RIGHT*
Connie Beadle BOTH 2 Laurie Allen BOTH
Jennifer Dague LEFT 3 Abril Calderon RIGHT
Roger Duong BOTH 3 Nancy Chung RIGHT
Patrick Pintor LEFT 4 Nathan La RIGHT
Robin Dodson LEFT 4 Hunter Weatherman RIGHT
John Delavigne BOTH 6 Crystal Felix LEFT*
Matthew Yoon BOTH 6 James Bush RIGHT
Eliza Castanon LEFT 7 Brian Fujita BOTH
Tameria Burleson RIGHT* 7 Dennis Pintor RIGHT
Sylvia Garibay LEFT 8 Rick Montes RIGHT*
Angela Scott LEFT 8 Miguel Garibay BOTH
Trever Allen BOTH 9 SoSan Mitchell RIGHT
Lori Alexander BOTH 9 Anne Sue RIGHT

Our team shirt has arrived and it looks good.
I'll be bringing those out along with the paddles on Saturday.

Shirt/Tank = $25
Paddle = $45

We have land workout before our practice this weekend so bring your athletic shoes.

We will be going over this Race Information Package (Attached) after practice so please build in some extra time.

I am also attaching shorter Visitor Information Package and Performance (entertainment) Schedule for you to share with your family and friend.

Thank you to those who is bringing stuffs for our race day.
Others can also help out by setting up and making breakfast.

Thank you.

AT&T APCA Dragons (Last) Home Work‏

Hello Team,

I'm sorry that I haven't sent out Home Work last week.
The Home Work for this week is overall body workout.

It's called Burpee Challenge.
All you have to do is do 50 Burpees within 10 minutes (if possible).
Let me know when you have done this by this Friday.

How to do Burpees correctly.

She shows how many she can do in 1 minute.

1 minute Burpee challenge.

This guy does 100 Burpees in less than 4 minutes.

EXTRA: This is what we are doing for Space Dragons Team so if you want to do something extra then you can also do Hell Week with Space Dragons.

July 06th - July 12th

STAR JUMPS (max for 30 sec)
AB CIRCUIT (per below)
WALL SITS (max out duration for each set)
PLANKS (5 x 1 min)

SQUAT JUMPS (max for 30 sec)
AB CIRCUIT  (per below)
DIVE-BOMBER PUSH UPS (min 10 - max x3)


(you have 10 mins to finish!)
^if you've not attended water practice

TUCK JUMPS  (max for 30 sec)
AB CIRCUIT (per below)
PLANKS (5 x 1 min)

WALL SITS (max out duration for each set)
AB CIRCUIT (per below)
 PUSHUPS (set 1-regular, set 2-diamond, set 3-wide) 

*AB CIRCUIT: 30x crunches + 30x bicycle crunches + 30x flutter kicks + 20x leg lifts + 30x mason twists = one set. Do these as fast as you can. 3 - 5 sets!!

Thomas Yoo
APCA Dragon Boat Team
Mobile 949-874-8088
Office 714-247-0583
Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement
Southern California Chapter